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Powell Comments Hint at Melt Up Mania - Historic Stock Market Riches Ahead?

Investment analysts are predicting an imminent "melt up" - the dramatic final stage of a bull market rally before the crash. Past melt ups have produced opportunities for stocks to soar hundreds or thousands of percent in short timeframes.

Two renowned experts now warn the signs are repeating, combining one investor's "sixth sense" for calling tops with the other's data-driven modeling. Their calls take on more credence after Fed Chair Powell's recent comments signaling smaller but continued rate cuts ahead as inflation cools, typically a bullish catalyst.

They're giving away stock picks they forecast could quintuple when the speculative mania takes hold. Along with record trading volumes and the market's blistering recovery from the 2022 dip, these mirror past melt up trigger points.

But fundamentals go out the window as hype reigns supreme at the peaks. The experts outline exit strategies too, as protecting windfall profits is pivotal once the bubble inevitably bursts.

One of the greatest potential wealth compounding events in years may be materializing rapidly. Those guided by expertise could see transformative gains. Or the entire event passes unseen for those stuck on the sidelines absorbing the wrong information.

Considering the experts' analysis and free stock picks may be the most financially prudent decision this year before the narrow window closes.

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CNBC's 'Prophet' issues urgent Fed warning

In March 2022, the Federal Reserve raised interest rates for the first time in five years.

It triggered a brutal bear market that wiped out $9 trillion of American wealth... and slashed the average investor's portfolio nearly in half.

Now, according to the man whom CNBC nicknamed 'The Prophet'...

The Fed's next move is about to have a similar ripple effect on ordinary folks across America.

This event could dictate the next decade of every American's financial life, and it's critical that you take steps now to prepare.

Here's how.


Kelly Brown
Senior Researcher, Stansberry Research

P.S. You'll even walk away with the name and ticker symbol of our No. 1 stock recommendation, free-of-charge, which could soar 500%-plus as this dramatic market event plays out. Click here now for the full details.

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